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Unscented  soap 100g


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Unscented soap 100g

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Unscented soap 100g

  • Organic and moisturising

  • 80% cold-pressed organic virgin olive oil

  • Suitable for sensitive skin

‘Subtle’ ‘Fresh’ ‘Clean’ ‘Earthy’ ‘Scentless’ ‘A non chemical smell’ ‘A no smell smell’ ‘Like freshly picked olives’. These are some of the words our customers have used to describe our Handmade soap’s unique scent. When lathering up the soap they described a luxurious, soft buttery feel.

We have sourced the finest traditional soap-making expertise and natural ingredients to bring you an organic, hypoallergenic cleanser and moisturiser in one beautiful package.

JUST THREE NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Organic extra virgin olive oil (Olea europea, 80%), Water (aqua), food grade lye (soda)

NET WT. 100g 3.5oz.

DIRECTIONS: Work into a lather using warm water and apply to skin. Rinse off.

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